Friday, April 4, 2008

Oh Man

This garage sale stuff is exhausting and it makes it very hard to wallow and/or blog.

People BETTER buy this crap.

Big Kid has locked little kid in the dog cage...and I'm not sure I'm going to get involved in letting him out.

I may take it as an opportunity to hide in the bathroom and read my book.

By the way, for all of you who loved Pillars of Earth....World Without End is just meh. I'm disappointed. It's just not coming together as effortlessly or believably and there's too many war details.

However, it is a welcome distraction when your kids are locking each other in cages and screaming and whatnot.


Multislacking Mama said...

There is a garage sale going on at my house right now. I'm not involved. I'm letting my mom use it for a Relay for Life fundraiser (I donated stuff and my house to be used).

I'll be in FLL tomorrow! I will think about the Ashley Family as I pass through :)

Post some pictures of MurphyL when you can!


Melodie said...

I've been tempted to let Katie take her timeouts in Maggie's cage. Now doubt lk did something that BK thinks he needs a timeout for. So long as he doesn't try to shove you in there, it's all good.

Anonymous said...

I'm only half way through Pillars and it's fabulous! However, I realized this morning when I was snapping at dh that I shouldn't stay up until 1:00 in the morning reading. Thanks for the heads-up on World Without End.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, good luck with that... We had a yard sale a few weeks ago, and the one time in snows in like ten years (we're in GA,) it snows on our damn garage sale day. Totally blew... All that setting up and pricing shit was for naught...

Oh, and Pillars of the Earth is an amazing book! Been meaning to comment on that...

Anonymous said...

I'm LMAO about the dog cage. Can my big kid (3 1/2) come get in there with little kid? I don't even need a book....just 30 minutes to myself would be a treat.

Jazz said...

Yes! I loved Pillars when I read it years ago. World Without End was basically a rehash of the same story. Blah! Lame!