Wednesday, April 2, 2008

One Week Later

Before I knew I was getting Murphy, I had promised my mom's group I'd go to a playdate at the park today.

Naturally, I didn't want to do this in the first place, but a friend I haven't seen in a while was really urging me to go and even arranged to make sure Girl Crush would be there. She also sent out a group email with a PS that I had promised to come and would definitely show up this time. That was a dirty, but effective trick.

It was fun and they are all really nice. I'm seriously lucky to have found other cool moms. The Girl Crush was as lovely and as perfect for me as ever. The friend was the same stable, honest, down to earth super mom. Everyone else was their talkative, animated and enjoyable selves.

But damn why can't the park be air conditioned? At least a ceiling fan, something to break up the humidity. I was all sweaty. I'm thinking about a new rule about no being outside without a nearby water source for swimming.

I took Murphy with me and he was tortured by all of the little girls and spent most of the time sleeping in my lap. The kids had a ton of fun, and as we left the friend told them she hoped to see them again before they graduated high school.

I hope she does too because really it was just mostly hot and sweaty and a lot of chasing around and yelling and stuff. I'm just not sure the human interaction was worth all the effort, even as nice as they are.

I'd much rather just go to Girl Crush's house and she could invite the friend and I over.

Anyway, I'm back on my nice cool couch with Murphy snuggled up on my lap and a movie (Little Mermaid, which the boys will never watch with me) on tv. It's definitely safer here, and more comfortable. Murphy has moved right in, down to attacking the German Shepherd and antagonizing my poor cat Pearl, who is completely and totally devastated by the lack of lap space. Last night I finally had to let Mr. Ashley hold him so she could have me back.

little kid is like Baby Huey with him. He shrieks and squeals in delight and insists on sitting down to hold him, is often trying to pick him up, and has been caught hugging too aggressively a couple of times now. He also throws bouncy balls straight at his face, not realizing that catch is an acquired skill.

Big Kid loves him, bringing him his toys and blankets. Today he told everyone at the park that weezy died but we got a new dog and his name is Smurphy Louis after our Heidi Louise.

I think it's cute that that's so important to him, that we honored her that way. We didn't make a big deal out of it either, so it's just funny that it's something he wants to share so badly. People have no idea what he's talking about when he recounts all of this, I think because they freeze with the panic of not knowing how to respond to "weezy died". A little awkward.

Today in the car he told me he missed her and we talked about how she liked to play in the hose and how much fun that was to watch. He is gradually getting the concept of death and even asked me if he was ever going to die. I told him not until he was so very old that he was ready to go live with God and see Heidi Louise and all of our friends and family that have already gone to live there. He was satisfied with that, but still absolutely certain that he will never marry (sorry Em and Vivi).

So things are moderately better here. I am looking forward to getting through the weekend and have hope that on Monday I'll be clutter free, I'll have seen Catfish on Sunday, and I'll be ready to keep on keepin' on. Slowly but surely things are looking a little more doable.


AJ said...

:) Just a smile for you :)

KatieGirlBlue said...

I love that you called her "Weezy."

New pup, how very sweet. Impossible not to feel good when your new pup - all feet and puppy breath and warm tummy - falls asleep in your lap.

Anonymous said...

yay for me! yay for me!! you're coming to see meeeee!!! OK you said on the internet so it must be true and we can *all* hold you to it (or I'll leave you multiple voice mail with no real reason to leave a voice mail except to drive you crazy...I promise)XO Catfish

Jennifer said...

He's very handsome! Congratulations on the addition to the family!

Unknown said...

I heart Murphy so hard!

Ashley said...

Congrats on Murphy. He's adorable!!! I'm not a big fan of the playdates either. It's kind of hard to drink at the park.

Melodie said...

I'm glad things are looking up a bit for you.

I hope lk doesn't torture ML too much. My little one has been torturing the little kitten that has recently come into our home (not sure if we're keeping him). She especially likes to try to carry hime by his neck. Oy!

Anonymous said...

it's so good to hear that you're healing.
my thoughts are still with you..and your new puppy is ADORABLE!!

Anonymous said...

YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I have been waiting and waiting for this post.
GO Mr. Ashley, no wonder you married that man!
I've been very sad for you and now I'm excited for the new begining with a touch of the past which is exactly what is needed.

jenn said...

Getting a housekeeper = Best Thing I Have Ever Done. Do it.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going a little easier for you. The boys as well - I can't imagine having to explain the concept of death at that age, but it sounds like you did a wonderful job with it. Still sending positive thoughts your way!

Katie Ryan said...

I'm so happy you are feeling a bit better. Just keep on keepin' on. I know it's hard. By the way, Murphy is a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Smurphy will stick. It's almost as cute as "Weezy."
Mr. Ashley is da bomb. He should give husband lessons.
Since, the demise of my sweet wiener, Chase (had to put him to rest last week after the cancer won), life has gone on at our home, too. Somehow one never wants it to, but it just happens. I'm glad Smurphy has brought you new smiles. After all, that's what Heidi Louise lived for...

Multislacking Mama said...

Murphy is a nice little slice of heaven! Does he still have puppy breath? That is my favorite smell in the WHOLE WORLD!

Enjoy him! Share lots of his baby pictures with us.


Life, Love And Lola said...

Mrs. Ashley,

YOU ARE A TROOPER! Bless your heart! XOXO

Joy said...

Glad you had a good day and things are getting easier.

My hubby even agreed with me that he is oh so cute-this is a big one he's kinda jaded being in the verterinarian buisiness and all.

Kudos to Mr. Ashley once again.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen you mention a German Shepherd. We have a 4 month old GS puppy and she is awesome. Can you tell us about yours?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're hanging in there and doing a little better. And that puppy is sooooo sweet. Looking at him makes me want to get one. But then I punch myself in the face and I'm fine...