Ashley: Look, I had brothers so that you guys would be friends. I thought two boys would play together, and love each other, and be friends with each other, and teach each other things and be kind to each other, and that is just not happening.
I am sick and tired of the fighting. If you guys can't be friends like I want you to, I'm going to have to get rid of one of you so the other one won't have anyone to fight with.
(quiet consideration)
Big Kid: Can I hab his red cwayon?
Ashley, I am certain that if we were neighbors we would be great friends. You would facinate me and I would make you laugh. You would come outside to talk to me every time you see me, and BK would say "hi Timbawe".
Then I would run inside because LK would scare the hell out of me.
okey, time to clear something up. LK is hard to keep up with but you won't meet a sweeter little guy with the best ear to ear smile. He will be the first to run to you with a big long lasting bear hug, just content to lay his head on your shoulder and pat you on the back; he melts your heart one minute and the next-you can understand his mother wanting to lock him in a cage! But I promise, he really wouldn't scare the neighbors.
note to self: grandma is watching!
Oh-look at Gram, getting all defensive for LK. How sweet... Next time he's at your house, he will terrorize "the boys" (who are beautiful and Duke's my fav-by the way)just to prove his sweetness. LOL
Oh Ashley, it's good to know that my kids aren't the only ones this didn't work on. I told my 7 year old the same thing about her and her 2.5 year old sister, and she just stared at me and continued on. WTH does it take these days!?! (BTW - I even tried the taking her sister to the zoo and leaving her there, it didn't cut it either)
My mom used to make my brothers sit in the corner with their arms around each other when she caught them fighting. Of course, me and my inner rebel have taken the opposite approach with my brawling daughters. I figure that as long as they're fighting each other, they aren't plotting against me.
OMG! I love Gram's comment.
Whichever one you get rid of, I'll take 'em. Those kids are adorable!!!!
Socker Boppers. Works every time.
Oh I am sure the zoo wouldn't take him, but I might be willing to take BK he is a looker and would fit right in with my cute ones.
That's EXACTLY why I wanted two girls, and now with number three being a boy I feel he should have a brother. My Mom said I should just get him a friend. Sounds like a plan.
Little Kid is as such a disadvantage, because he can't speak yet.
I would have said no to BK wanting the red crayon because LK would be getting his computer, instead. :P
That is so something my kids would say too. LOL
ROTFLMAO! OMG, my Julia would have said the same thing! They are like little vultures I swear!
I tell my older two daughters how they should be happy that they have sisters instead of brothers, but it doesn't work. The older they get, the worse the fighting gets. Lately, I've been threatening to make them share a bedroom with each other because when they were little and shared a room they were the best of friends. Neither of them likes the idea very much!
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