and last, but definitely not least...his crowning achievement...once again...this timeon Mr. Ashley's watch:

My alt keyis gone,probably forever and my spacebar will never ever be the same again and is driving mefucking crazy. It took him less than oneminute this time and he got no reaction, just an immediate timeout, which didn't bother him one bit.
I can'tlive with my spacebar like this.
I think it is safe to saythat he does not regret yesterday's actions.
Oh Dear God. He is flipping cute, but such a Master of Destruction.
Ash, I feel for you girl! He's so cute you can almost forgive him!
Dh says you can get a replacement keyboard pretty cheap though.
Oh girl, I have no idea what the heck I would do about that. You have my sympathies and my blessings...you're an angel sent by God to deal with that and not kill the kid. Best of luck to you...you're going to need it for the next 18 years!
PS. Check into military preschools. Surely they have them, right?
You are kidding me. He tore the keys off again?
He is so cute! How can something so cute be so desructive? I have a 3 year old that I call curious george, becuase you cant turn your back on here for a second that she isnt in to something. SO I sympathize with you.
He is ADORABLE!!!!! Damn, he got the keyboard again?
Too bad you can't keep that on top of the fridge too!
Can you maybe just move the entire house to be on top of the fridge?
My GOD he's a cutie LOL. I don't know what to tell ya though. My middle one was like that. He's not nearly as bad now but still fairly onrey. GOOD LUCK!
He is seriously one good looking, albeit e-bull, little kiddo!
I'm trying to figure out that expression in the first pic. Smug? Defiant? Unimpressed? Bored? There is something behind those eyes.
-The Renee
I am so behind on your blog!
I come back to discover that LK has destroyed your laptop?? Oh, my...
All aside, though, the fact that your LK is so adorably CUTE, the laptop murder is automatically and immediately cancelled out.
He really is adorable, Ashley-- absolutely ADORABLE! He does no wrong in my eyes! :-)
I think the expression is saying, "Who's next?" or maybe it's "I'm in charge here!" He is seriously so cute, but OMG! I don't know how you handle it, Ashley. Good luck tomorrow!
I'm sorry. For everything. Really.
My favorite is the last picture.
Instead of putting the whole house on top of the fridge I vote you build a cage and place him in it on top of the fridge. just kidding, not really.
BTW my carry over of trash thursday to today to clean my van out was totally a bust when after only a few minutes of work I came in throw something out and little one was in her bed crying because she had thrown up. Oh yea she is sick again. She is back there coughing her sweet little head off. It is really starting to piss me off.
So here is my deal I will take LK and try to shape him up and you take her and get rid of the f'ing germs that have taken over for maybe the 40th time since halloween. WTF do I have to do to keep everyone in my family well for more than a week??
In the first picture he is thinking "Are you talkin' to me?" (This is said with an Italian mobster accent)
How did he get the keys off? I am truly amazed at his ability, he will run the world one day.
Sorry if this was said- I didn't read all the comments but you can get a new keyboard for like $20.00 on eBay and it's not hard to change it.
My 12 year old just switched out her own because my little monster has ripped a key or two off in his day.
As I type, I have no Q or X button, just little white knobs where a key used to be..
My boyz had that Old Navy red onesie too!
I only have one missing key (the S key) and my kitten pried it off with his kitteh claw. It drives me insane so I cannot imagine how this must be for you. I hope it gets fixed soon and does not slow you down too much.
My 3 yr old did the same thing to my laptop. I'm the one to blame because I left it out for a whole 3 minutes while I was in the bathroom... I had to buy a replacement keyboard. Google it. He killed my spacebar too and I was flipping out for a few days until the new one came. So annoying! LK sure is cute though even if he is the Master of Destruction.
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