Thursday, February 21, 2008


I just want to barf AND I'm pretty sure I've scratched my cornea and I'm almost positive that my eyeball is probably deflating *right now* and I'm so busy sitting here freaking out about my computer and about little kid (who has the nerve to be calling for me....THE NERVE) that I'll probably only have one eye by the end of the night, just like Heidi Louise.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, what's with the eye surgery??

Anonymous said...

What happened to your eye?


jenn said...

'Fess up. We want the eyeball surgery story.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can get some crazy glue and elastic to make yourself an eyepatch with the broken keys?
That way you'll have one good eye to watch and make sure he'll stay in his room for the next 16 yrs?

just a thought ;)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I don't know how to help. But I have a very sad face right now.

Slacker Mama said...

Please tell us you didn't use that blackhead tool on your eyeball, too!

Melodie said...

If you wear contact lenses, put a lens on the scratched cornea. I know it sounds dumb, but the contact lens will protect your cornea from further irritation (like from blinking your eye). If you don't wear contact lenses, just try to keep your eye closed - maybe patch it - to lessen the possibility of further irritation. If you can go to sleep, or drug yourself to sleep, that would help, too. Of course, you'll need someone to watch the E-bull one while you are sleeping.

Anonymous said...

my 2 girls 18 mos apart (20 yrs ago) were chasing each other thru the house, the one in front had a hand full of feathers that we had collected from the beach (prob loaded with bird flu or something)...She belly slapped the sofa and one of the feathers FEATHERS hit her in the eye and tore her cornea. yea...lots of drama insued and a trip to the dr and she got an eyepatch and tons of attention at preschool that day. hell no i was not about to let her stay home, plus she loved all the attention.

they are now 23 and 24 and chase each other with text messages, long distance love preserves eyes.

Joy said...

OMG that would be the best reason to finally show us that picture of Heidi that you have been promising. You and her both one eyed.