I saw these Shiny shoes in the Real Simple mag my mom so thoughtfully dropped off with the groceries and I really love them. Gold is not usually my thing, but I'd rock these. The magazine photo was cuter because it showed how cute and round the toes were, but you get the idea.
I'll have to take a picture and post it when you buy them for me.
I've been looking for a (nother) big hobo bag. Mine is a shiny blue and I do love it, but this Lucky Bag would be better for every day and I really, really love it. It would give me more social confidence and a motivation to be organized. I swear.
I have fake Bling-y hoops just like these...but they're fake. They look really good on me though. I will
give you a blowjob be your BFF, and I mean forever, even forsaking all other friends (sorry guys) if you buy me these earrings.
I know, without even trying it on, that I would look H-O-T in this LOOK AT ME Dress. I will wear it while I blog for you. Size 8 please.
(I'll have it altered when I lose the rest of the "baby" weight aka get liposuction.)
I really love this Tripod lamp. My mom bought me awesome surveyor style tripod table lamps last Christmas and this would look fabulous in my family room. And provide valuable light while blogging.
I have been fantasizing about this blue and brown rug for a year now. A really, really big one.
10 x 14 please
I once went into a house where the guy had a map table that used to belong to the original railroad company somewhere and had seriously old traintrack maps in those little flat drawers you pulled out. Ohhhhh, I was JEALOUS. Old? Historically significant? Character worn? Functional? Looked cool? Had a story? If I could have flipped it onto my back and slipped out invisibly...that thing would be sitting in my family room right now. Just another piece of it's history...."yeah, I stole that."
So maybe you could buy me this one from Pottery Barn to prevent any future theft and jail time (with no internet connection, from what I understand).
I also really like those pillows. Just while you're there.
Another antique that I long to own...an apothecary chest. Ohhhh the little drawers, the history, the smells. I freak out with delight whenever I encounter one at one of my antique extravaganzas.
This one would work though. It would satisfy the craving. For sure.
(Can you tell I got the new PotteryBarn catalog?)
and the boys just want the entire boys collection at Mini Boden.
That's all.
If for some reason you can not buy me these things, I guess you could go vote for me for the awards in my sidebar instead.
And save up your money for next year. I have a feeling that a lot of this stuff will still be on the list.
Well, I did vote for you. So there's that, in my defense.
If I hadn't just gotten myself a fab new purse AND a $500 repair bill from my mechanic today, I SWEAR I would have bought you one, maybe two, of those items. Or at least have thought about it instead of laughing and spitting my coffee on the computer screen.
Hey, I did vote...
While the shoes look cute on first glance, I cannot totally love them because it looks like there would be *a lot* of toe cleavage.
I was just about to buy them for you, but now I won't. Friends don't let friends have toe cleavage.
If you happen to get doubles of that rug, will you send me the extra? It would look fab in my bedroom.
Those pillows? That's the Duncan Stripe BEDDING pattern that PB no longer carries that I'm obsessing about! (and that sellers on eBay are listing at 200% over cost, the bahstahds)
Maybe I could just cover my bed with those lovely pillows????
Those lamps are getting popular, saw them on a redesign show (HG TV I think) with a library redo. Two next to a fireplace, nice.
ps: Did you know Fluffy Windover posted that she is pregnant today?
Ok...I just have to say that I LOVE the earings and would totally do something questionable to get them ;)
Thanks for pointing out that green bag. I really like it. Maybe I'll buy it for myself with my new birthday money.
I promise I'll think of you every time I look at it. And then, I'll laugh and laugh......
You totally pulled that Gift Registry Jack Move and didn't include anything under $100. What gives? I'll bet that if you'd included some cheaper items, you actually would've ended up with some presents. But then you'd have to actually give out your address, and that would actually be a bad idea.
-The Renee
I saw that Lucky bag on a recent trip out of town and loved it. I tried hard to convince my hubby that I needed it but since it cost as much as the 4 dress shirts and 2 pairs of pants we had just gotten for him (he NEVER buys new clothes and I was tired of looking at his others), he said no. Bummer.
Well, aren't you all...selfish.
Slacker, I didn't think about the toe cleavage. I luckily have short toes. We'll risk it.
Trenches, same thing happened to me with a PB bedding set...turns out mom had already bought me the full set for my birthday!! Ebay sucks.
The Renee, I thought you would all probably go in together on something big...actually I thought for sure you would collaborate it, raise the funds, and protect my address...you being my smartest friend (and the one most likely to be motivated by the BJ promise)
oh and Kimberly, THANK YOU for telling me about Fluffy!!
Another one recruited to the dark side...
Happy Bloggiversary! Great picks. And I agree, I would definitely pay up on a bj for those earrings.
happy blogiversary to you! Unfortunately, I don't think I'm gonna be able to shell out the cash to buy you any of those for you this year, maybe next year ;) I do have to say though, I never knew what an apothecary chest was before, but now, I must have one.
A very similar lamp can be had from JCPenney.com for MUCH less! Search for spotlight lamp. I want one, but already have a tripod telescope in the same area and think it might be too much tripodiness! Yes, I know that is not a word.
Such cute items. I bought the shoes, but they didn't fit you so I kept them for myself. I knew you would understand. BFF's right?
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