Tuesday, February 26, 2008







Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting food! Now get a damn spacebar!

I just wanted to say my 18 month old daughter dumped a bottle of model paint on herself, my living room set and her brother, and I called her E-Bull, so thanks for the terminology, I wanted to call her worse.

Anonymous said...

Mom's are the best! Even if they feed you expired food. :)

Maddnessofme said...

I would still order a pizza.

Slacker Mama said...

Can your mom swing by my place and do a grocery drop-off there, too? We're down to stale bread and baby carrots at our house!

Anonymous said...

moms rock. mine does that kind of thing too.

hope you feel better soon!

I tidied my living room - the baby toy basket had thrown up everywhere, it was time.

Elizabeth said...

You still crack me up even while you are sicky.

Mom of 5 said...

My MIL just did a hudge grocery drop at our house. I guess I can't badmouth her this week. I hope you get better soon. Some of us miss you.

Anonymous said...

What did she drop off? Anything good? Vodka and olives?....

Ami said...

I'm curious - did you give her a list, or did she just stock essentials? I think I need to move closer to my mom to enjoy this benefit. I hope you start feeling better very soon!

Anonymous said...

One word: PEAPOD. Once you discover the joy that is Peapod, you will never darken the door of a grocery store again. SERIOUSLY. Check.It.Out.

Renee said...

That's so nice of your mom. I hope you're feeling better! I miss you!

-The Renee

PS I bought a new notebook for my NLP lists. Very exciting.

Anonymous said...

Hope y'all are feeling better soon!

Lily Goodwin said...

Your mom is nice, mine sucks. She would not even call me when I was sick ON MY VACATION.

AFRo said...

We're having chicken from KFC, mac and cheese (the last box in the pantry) and leftover baked beans which I am posting my recipe to later on. I am not domestic by any means, so I'm happy I can cook something.

My grocery run is tomorrow... I guess. It's that or tuna with no bread.

Ug. Hope you're feeling better. Hurry up with the whole healing process... I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Hon! I hope your group feels better soon!