Monday, February 18, 2008

My Kind of Gal


Anonymous said...

I must get this card...I must!

Bad Mommy said...

HAHA! Whatever....

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Too damn funny. Although Coach doesn't really have much hair...


Anonymous said...

OMG...that is hilarious!

Renee said...

Oh, this one hits home. I can't even laugh. His Royal Highness is seriously high maintenance. And guess what he did to me this weekend? I was setting the alarm at midnight on Sunday night so I could get up early to take his pampered self to the airport (and get back to Business As Usual around here), and he gleefully announces that...Surprise! Tomorrow is President's Day and he doesn't have to leave until Tuesday morning. Woo hoo. Guess what our latest Thing is? Fresh squeezed lemonade. His Royal Highness saw me making my lemonade during the Master Cleanse and asked me to squeeze a little extra for him, and now he's hooked. What has become of me? ;) Lol.

-The Renee
"Service With A Smile"