Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tick Tock

Mr. Ashley went to look at his friend's new baby.

3 hours ago.

It's an 8lb baby, what could take 3 hours??

The hospital is *maybe* 15 minutes away.

I have bought NOTHING for the V-day party and was planning on doing it all when he got back. It is now 7:00pm, I haven't even gotten the opportunity to shower and my only shopping option is going to be Wal-Mart by the time he moseys on home.


AND the kids are annoying the crap out of me.

I was feeling good about the party, but now...not so much.

Not so much at all.

Edited to add:
While I typed this, little kid dragged a kitchen chair over to the oven (I thought for a muffin, whatever) and grabbed a stick of butter and mushed it all up, all in his hair, all over my kitchen, and everything else. He's taking his 2nd bath of the day right now.

I'd post a picture but I'm too busy wanting to scream or cry, not sure which.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing! I feel for you, I really do. Enjoy your time out, when you get it!

AFRo said...

Time out at Wal Mart is going to suck ass the night before V-Day. You KNOW you are not the only one who waited until the last minute. I'm SO sorry. Maybe stop off at the liquor store on the way...

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're going through! It seems like hubby always has to work late/help somebody out/take his good ol' time whenever there is somewhere I HAVE to be or something I HAVE to do. . . especially if that something is to escape!! Have fun at WalMart and good luck with your party. Happy Vday eve everybody!

Unknown said...

Mr. Ashley is shopping for you...that is my theory anyhoo.

The Hawkins Family said...

I am feeling bad for you right now. DH is down in your state for training. Lucky bastard. I'm rotting here in subzero temps.

I'm coming to Tampa soon with the two rugrats while DH is training for his new job, it would be so fun to actually "meet" you. I know, I know, not gonna happen...totally understand. I wouldn't want to meet me either. lmfao!

Hang in there toots.


Multislacking Mama said...

Did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld where that couple was always like, "When are you going to come and see the Baaaaybe???"

Mr. Ashley was just getting it out of the way so he wouldn't have to go through all of that.

Holly (aka chandlers_a_girl)

Things I May Regret Writing said...

I'm glad I'm not alone. I have been inside with a teething, upset tummy child all day long. My husband tells me he'll be home to relieve me, then takes the dog on a 40 minute walk. While talking to his father on the phone. I have never wanted to eat a man's heart before today.

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Dear God. Can you week get any worse? You need a dose of the girl crush! The neighbor one, I mean. hee hee

Mandy said...

God love you.

Bad Mommy said...

You should make Mr. Ashley plan the party now. Yeah, that's what he should get for punishment. Oh, and nix any V-day "activities".

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ashley should so be getting in trouble for taking that long! 3 hours... Come on now, babies are cute and all but you can't stare at someone else's kid for that long, right?

Mom Of 3 said...

Hey I had that day too! I thought it would be a good idea to let my 3 year old and my 6 year old stamp the paper to put on their valentine mailboxes for school. Well my three year old had the ink everywhere. It is stampin up ink so it aint coming out! Then i told her to go wash her hands she soaped the walls and her hair with the handsoap. Big fun 20 minutes before we were to leave for cheerleading. jsut another day of motherhood.

AFRo said...

No updates on how the Wal Mart trip was or when he finally got home??? You left us hanging...

And I'm with the girl that says he's shopping. You know they all wait until the last minute! Think positive!

so tired said...

And you're thinking if I call him on his cell phone, will I look like the evil rag that I am. You know the couple will think, I can't believe she called him while he is cooing over our new baby because she has to get to Wal-Mart.

But you're thinking, fuck it enough cooing. He didn't coo over our babies that long.

Regarding your party, it always seems when I dread getting my shit together and wind up at Wal-Mart at 10:30 at night is when I really get it together and find the good shit.

Plus it is rather enjoyable being anywhere all by yourself. I like to wander around looking at everything and talking out loud to myself.....

Anonymous said...

Any time my husband spends that long holding a baby, he ends up talking about "needing to get one of those" and "they are so sweet when they are tiny". I think he has forgotten what a total bitch I am Pregnant and the next 18 years that you have to raise them. (One of us has got to get fixed soon!)
Maybe that is his idea of a great Valentine- Baby #3! Then LK can become MK, it might reign him in to have some competion. Either that or you really will go crazy!

Anonymous said...

We had a two bath day yesterday! I wanted to SCREAM! LS (Little Shit) first smeared cereal bar everywhere at breakfast time. So that entailed bathing her. No BD--she was overdue for one anyway.
While eating lunch she rubbed diced pairs all in her hair which really pissed me off since I had taken the time to blow dry her hair and it looked really cute. Anyway, the sticky pear hair treatment really required a bath but I was too lazy so I just wiped her down with a wet paper towel which made her hair look like crap.
But I was over it by then. So we go out to eat at the most romantic of dinner spots--IHOP--and when we get home, her dad is supposed to be getting her ready for bed when I hear a big crash and a loud cry. Uh-oh! So much for my uninterrupted toilet time! So I pinch it off and run into the kitchen to see what happened and find out LS has been pitching a fit which has culminated in her pulling down a soaking leftover container full of water and dish soap on top of her head. Water is all over the kitchen floor and she has Dawn all in her hair and eyes. And she's shivering because it is freezing cold since it's been soaking for a while. Why was the dish where she could reach it you ask? It wasn't--it was pushed out of her reach (according to DH). I swear she is part rubber because she reaches stuff she definitely SHOULD NOT be able to reach. Especially when she is pitching a purple squealer and grabbing at everything in reach and kicking everything she can get her feet on. When does this get easier? Soon I hope...