to finish my party post but little kid WILL NOT STAY OFF CHAIRS. All of the little chairs are gone. I put up a box and a new pack of paper towels that he was using as a stool. The only stool left is locked in the bathroom. All ride on toys are outside.
But there's no stopping him from kitchen or dining room chairs. He just pushes them to wherever he needs to be. If I yell at him to stop, he stops and stares at me until I get busy doing something and picks up where he left off.
Also, every time I turn around, he has a Sharpie. We don't even OWN this many Sharpies, where the hell are they coming from??
I wasn't sure what to do about the chairs, but I think I have a solution. Although it is an embarrassing and inconvenient solution.
I'm going to tie all of the chairs together. He can push one chair, but can he push 14 chairs?
We shall see.
If not, we're about to kill a lot of birds with one stone here.
If I can find enough rope in that craphole we call a garage, I'll take a picture of my brilliant solution. If not, we're going to Home Depot this weekend.
All of this from a person who is against toilet locks and thinks these kids should just be trained to live in our environment.
Okay. I get it. I was wrong.
Maybe instead of tying the chairs together, you should use the rope on Little Kid. Maybe make a dog run for him? Not that I've ever contemplated doing that for my kids...
What about using the cabinet locks that hook over the knobs to tether the chairs together? That might be a bit quicker than rope.
Our neighbors bolted all of their chairs to the floor, just for this reason! It was after their LK got to the knife block. Good luck!
I can't wait to see the chairs tied together. I really didn't believe you when you said that you had to put chairs on fridge until that pic!
This must mean that the innovative kid is going to be an engineer one day... right?
I second the dog run and bolting the chairs to the floor.
Did you ever see "Jon and Kate plus 8", when the kids were toddlers? They had one MASSIVE baby gate to keep their kiddos corraled. Of course, E-bull can probably climb those, huh?
But won't he just crawl UNDER the chairs?
I have a friend who bungee-cords her chairs to the table. Works great. (I just used a noun as a verb, and I'm okay with that.)
It would be easier to put in a velcro wall. Put little kid in his own little velcro jumpsuit and attact to velcro wall.
The neighbors will think you're a freak and secretly hope you swing.
Then again you could always just get a big enough dog crate. Toss a few crackers through the air holes for snack. One of those water bottles for gerbils attached to the side.
I won't call cps. I promise.
I can't believe his determination. Good luck tying them together, that's a great idea.
I was thinking dog run also. Just drill a hole in the center of the family room, tie him up and let him run in circles.
LOL... you have GOT to post pictures of chairs tied together!
LOL! Desperate times call for desparate measures! I love the "LK run" idea - lmao!
LMAO I am a big fan of babyproofing and coraling the little suckers so I get to say I told you so! Kids are not normal, they are e-bull and insane and can not be trusted! LOL Get some of those long baby gates and coral him in one room. It is so worth it. lol
OMG Ashley I could have written your post! Everytime I turn around Monster has a crayon, marker, pen, freaking name it girl!
WIth the chairs, they are all stacked on the table when not in use.
Good Luck! :)
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