I feel the same that you do when you bitch and nag at your husband until things blow up into a big fight and then he rushes around and does every single thing you've been asking him to do for 5 years in one night and eventually you're like, "baby, you don't have to pressure wash the driveway and reshingle the roof tonight, just start to do things on a more consistent basis."
and he's all like "No, no, you want the driveway pressure washed and the roof reshingled and I'm doing it right this second. I won't eat or sleep until I do. I'd rather just get it done."
and half of you feels really bad but half of you is really happy that you got your way and stuff is finally getting done and you hope every day from here on out is like this.
So good job, folks! It wasn't that hard, was it? It didn't even hurt. Okay, so some of your kids went hungry for a minute. Boofreakinhoo. Those damn kids eat all the time and are always needing something.
From now on, let's not let it get to this. If you see that comments are lagging, pitch in a little around here. I don't WANT to yell at you all.
But it does work.
It would be really hard to start the punishment routine today anyway because little kid is being a total punk and I have photographic evidence and stuff that I need to document here.
I'll be back really soon.
Oh, and thanks for telling me Dooce is such a slacker. That means a lot to me, it really does.
I didn't say Dooce was a slacker...because I have no idea who she is. Nor do I want to know.
So let's see this evidence of total punkishness.
I could totally be your best commenting bud but I don't like a one way relationship... plus I just found you so give me some time. :o) and you could come by and give me some comment luv too...
keeping my pledge...lol
xx Some more kisses for your ass. Looking forward to the photographic evidence of Little Kid's reign of terror.
Let's see the pics!
Moms always get results when they yell, regardless of who they are yelling at. ;-)
C'mon people, let's not upset Ashley! I for one want to see the photos. We did a good job on the last post, so let's not slack off now!
Perhaps we could work out some kind of odds, evens system so we're not all commenting on one post and not on the next? It's kind of exhausting thinking of something to say every time!
So, Ashley... What does Dooce have that you don't? T-Shirts! Don't you think YOU should design and sell T-Shirts? Seriously. I would look super cute in some trendy Ashley's Closet apparel. You could use all sorts of "Ashleyisms" on them and offer a whole array of stuff from the Closet! What a fun project too!
Just an idea help foster and grow the entrepreneur in you so you can make a few extra bucks!
I'm running out of clothes, so let me know when my shirt is ready!!
Bitching seems to be the only thing that works for me, too.
How weird that your man does the same thing mine does when it comes to household chores, both those I deem necessary and otherwise (why the power washing of the driveway? WHY?).
I love your site so much I bookmarked you. One reason (among bunches of 'em): you post often enough to keep me entertained throughout the day.
I read your blog daily..
I guess I could starting commenting =]
I'm just not as funny as you, and don't want you to think i'm lame.
Looking forward to reading what Little Kid is doing today.
Ugh... I so know what you mean. Like when I throw a hissy fit at Fiancee about how he never cooks and I am tired of being the cook and I go and pout in the bedroom and he actually makes soups and sanwiches for the kids.
(well, at least it's good for them.)
As promised, here is your comment. Love ya Ashley!
I'll comment for ya! I'm new, but if you want, I can go back and comment on all your posts....
okay, maybe not all of them, but some. Because I'm nice like that.
anyhow, I too, want to see those pics.
Twice! In one day! Wooohoooo!!!!
Mr. HCB and I fought three times this weekend. So I'm living the High Life right now. I suspect the laundry and the vacuuming will be done by the time I get home.
And I never, ever feel guilty. Ever. Ever ever.
see, I LOVE dooce. Really, I do! and you would too, I just know it.
However, you are always going to be my favourite because of clueing me in to Wen.
unless, of course, you blather on about moms of only children again...then, I'm sooo not commenting....
My kids are whining that they want dinner. What should I do? Hmmm... I think I'll tell them the truth. Tonight, you will be hungry because I have ass to kiss, kiddos. Deal.
I'm kinda hurt I got left out of the Rant. I know, I know. I've kinda slacked on the commenting lately. It's this damn job I have!! But I have been here for a long time ... almost the beginning ... doesn't that deserve something?? Oh, and smooches for ya booty.
I really do intend to comment a lot more, but I can't check your blog at work and some responsibility called mothering keeps me from the computer on some nights, but I'm going to try harder. I promise. (I know, bad excuse...)
You just described what happens between my hubby and I every few months---too funny! :) Love your blog!!!
I came, I saw, I commented.
Oh Ashley, please don't get mad at us again. We truly do love you, and I know my day wouldn't be the same without you. Now let us see those pics of LK! By the way, he may be a punk, but boy, he is cute!
Dooce is a slacker. Don't get me started.
lol! (wink,wink)
I read everyday, have voted for you in both the bloggies (numerous times, might I mention) and the bloggers choice, I guess the time has come to leave a comment.
Oh, and as a side not, the Big Kid conversations are my favourite.
- Katie
Smoooooooooch I have no idea who this DooDoo chick is and I am too lazy to figure it out.
I went to Dooce's site today, and it sucks. It's not hardly funny at all. And she doesn't follow your paragraph rule... too many big blocks to read turns me off.
I voted for you. I am not slacking! Good job getting everyone to comment though.
First, I want to say that I'm totally flattered that you mentioned me in your last blog. What a dork I am for thinking it, but I'm a bit starstruck by you Mrs. Ashley and it MADE MY FREAKING DAY to see that someone can relate to the whole commenting thing. My experience on blogging is that people are apathetic and most think that whatever comment they contribute cannot be half as witty as anything you write then they end up over thinking what to say and well... we get nothing. Comments are why we do it though... that and the fact that we love the attention. ;-)
Now show us some pics of your adorable *heathen*!!!
Is it just me, or does any one else wonder if Little Kid is just like Ashley was as a baby.
Have you invited your Mom yet? We have questions for her! ;)
LK is my hero. crap, typing a handle and all that shit is hard work. it couldn;t remember it from my last comment?
Do all bloggers beg for comments.... :) Just curious...
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