Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm a Loser


Remember that Valentine party I decided to have in a moment of mania? Well, now it is time to start thinking about that whole thing again and I'm not nearly as excited about it now, but there's no turning back.

Anyway, remember how I went through all of that nonsense with the invites? And I finally figured it out and the entrepreneurial chaw rushed around to have special heart shaped paper clips drop shipped and rushed to me? Well, now I can't find those little fuckers anywhere.

I really need to have the invites out by the end of the day tomorrow too, so it looks like tomorrow I will be cleaning up around here and attempting a search and rescue mission and if worse comes to worse, I'll have to send them out without cute heart shaped paper clips. I'm so pissed.

Also, remember hibernation day? Guess what loser parents forgot to send a pillow and stuffed animal to school with their kid?


For the money I'm paying them, I expect not to have to receive and keep track of 10-12 pieces of paper per day. I just cannot. It is overwhelming and too hard to keep track of. Can't these people email?

Big Kid didn't even realize how devastating this whole thing was until I grilled him about it for half an hour. I guess they had extra animals and he shared his school girl friend's pillow, which I'm sure he loved.

It doesn't make me look good though. Not good at all.


clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Screw that. I love preschool and fully appreciate the 3-5 hour break. That said, in my tuition can you please include all the extra shit you're going to ask me for later?? Like the paper plates in packages of 400, the red glitter, the teddy bear with binoculars, etc. Seriously, why does every preschoole event involve prep by me? Bastards. And mine aren't even Jews.

SLC said...

Don't you hate that?? It's so hard to keep track of stuff like that. The teachers put papers in their folders that I always forget to check in the morning during drop off. I'm just glad to get out of there without a bunch of drama in the morning let alone remember to check the damn folders.

SLC said...

oh, and good luck finding the heart paperclips. It drives me NUTS when I can't find something. Again, Moms just have way too much stuff to keep track of.

Jennifer said...

Just wait until he starts real school. There's barely one night a week that I don't have to do something for my kindergartener. Just look at these hassles as the Jews preparing you for times yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea wait for Kindergarten it only gets worse.


Suzanne said...

First place I would look for the paperclips is in little kid's hiding place....

Anonymous said...

Big Kid has 2 girlfriends?! What about Emmers? ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, kindergarten comes with a lot of "stuff". But my oldest is in second grade. He (mom and dad) has a project due soon. He (mom and dad) has to write a book about five animals of his choice. He (mom and dad) has to make a bibliography and have a creative title. I also have a kindergartner and a toddler. Toddlers are great because they don't come with any paperwork at the end of the day. . . they just steal the papers and hide them around the house!

Anonymous said...

Good luck finding them!